Carers Information
A carer is...
A carer is someone who provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help, due to age or a mental or physical disability. There is no age limit, social or ethical difference in becoming a carer, and at some point in our lives most of us will become one.
Often supporting (caring for) another person can happen very suddenly but it can also creep up gradually, by the carer taking on more and more responsibility for the person they care for. Many provide emotional and practical support during the day and night.
The majority of carers take on this role as a sense of love, commitment or duty, along with a mixture of feelings. For some it may give great satisfaction, but there may also be feelings of isolation, guilt, resentment, stress, depression, physical and mental exhaustion.
These supporting responsibilities can continue for a number of years and the majority of carers struggle on alone unaware that help is available.
To find out what support we can offer, go to the 'Our Services' page [here].
If you would like to speak to someone directly, contact us by post, phone or email, find our contact details on the 'Contact Us' page [click here].
Receiving support
Tell your doctor
It is important that you tell your doctor that you are supporting for someone. Most surgeries now have a carers register within their practice. By doing this you are highlighting your own health needs to be recognised and supported as well as the person you are supporting.
Doctors will not divulge any information regarding the supported person without their consent. To be able to do this you must have the agreement and a written and signed declaration by them. You then need to hand this in at the surgery so it can be add to their case notes.
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Health & Social Care
(North Yorkshire Council)
In order to access any services provided by Health & Social Care, such as respite, equipment and home care, the person needing support has to have an assessment of their needs by the local Health & Social Care team.
Carers Assessment
As a carer you also have the right to an assessment of your own needs even if the person you care for refuses one. A carer assessment will give you the chance to share your views about your supporting role and how it affects you and your life, as well as the needs of the person you are supporting. It will also help the Health and social care team to ensure that you both get the support you need.
Carers Emergency Card
The carer's emergency card is a plastic card, the size of a credit card, which will identify you as a carer. You can have peace of mind that if anything happens to you while you are out or if you are suddenly taken ill at home, then the Health & Social Care team will contact your responders and ensure that the emergency plans you have agreed upon are put into action.
Blue Badge Scheme
To qualify for a badge you must have a permanent and substantial difficulty walking. People who are registered blind and people with severe upper limb disabilities who regularly drive a motor vehicle but are unable to operate all or some types of parking meter may also qualify.
To obtain more information on the above and services available through
North Yorkshire County Council, visit their website (carers pages) [here],
or Telephone 01609 780 780
Ask for help from other family members and friends
Often family members and friends do not realise how stressful both mentally and physically supporting another person can be. They may want to help but do not want to intrude.
When talking with friends and family, let them know how they can help. It might be useful to make a list of all the different things you have to do in supporting someone and to see how various tasks might be shared between family members/friends.
Networks of support from friends and family are essential for many carers.
Let your employer know
Juggling the pressures of work and having to support someone means that you often need your employer to be more understanding and supporting to you.
Increasingly, employers are recognising the value of supporting carers who now have the right to request flexible working.
Benefits information
Seek advice on benefits which you and the person you care for may be entitled to.
These organisations within Scarborough can help:
Carers' Plus Yorkshire tel: 01723 850155
Age Uk Scarborough: 01723 370958