About Us
Support For Carers is a registered charity which was formed in 1986.
It supports adult carers within the Scarborough district who are supporting or caring for someone of 18 years and older by providing a short break respite service. Click here to view ‘services’
Overall Aim
• To give carers relief and relaxation, thus safeguarding their health enabling them to provide a support.
• To operate a service that befriends, gives practical and emotional support and offers respite to carers.
Shirley Lumb - Manager, joined the organisation in January 2015, previously worked as a Support Worker for North Yorkshire County Council working with adults with learning disabilities.
Cheryl Heaton - Co-ordinator
Support For Carers Board of Trustees oversees the running of the organisation and is responsible in ensuring that its aims and objectives are met. All the trustees have one thing in common they all recognise and value the importance of those who are supporting someone at home. The board is made up of ex-professionals, carers and volunteer representatives and voluntary sector managers. The whole board meets
four times a year but all trustees take an active part in the organisation on a regular basis. All give their time freely.
There would be no organisation without the dedicated team of volunteers who provide a range of voluntary activities from being a volunteer visitor, club helper to administration and publicity distributors. All come from different walks of life with both personal and professional experiences.
Support For Carers is joint funded by NYC Health & Adult Services. We are reliant on weekly fees charged to members to ensure the running of club activities. Social activities are supported by fundraising events, donations and contributions.
Registered Charity
Support For Carers has been a registered charity (no: 1041925) since 1994 and is regulated by the Charity Commission.